Invasionsgefahr, Suwalki-Lücke etc...

#1 von Dagmar Schatz ( gelöscht ) , 09.07.2016 20:37

"As it was discussed here war in Baltic States are not advantageous for both sides and will lead to plenty of worse consequences. So its fair to say that likelihood of such invasion is not possible. However, as long as Russia continues its war in Ukraine, does not end occupation of Crimea and continues intervention in Syria the danger of Russian military aggression stays. As it was stated here Russia often does not need a logical or rational reason to start a war the decision can be based on fear, hate, power mongering and oversight. Thus the war can be caused by simple unforeseen incident like in Sarajevo 1914 when few shots brought whole Europe to war that was waiting for it for last few years. So there is no reason to competently override the danger of Russian invasion. As long as aggressive, suspicious and totalitarian regime is in power in Moscow that relies heavily on its military success the danger will stay and should be considered and prepared for."

Dagmar Schatz

Interview mit Sergej Karaganow: Putin-Berater droht mit Vernichtung von Nato-Waffen

#2 von Dagmar Schatz ( gelöscht ) , 09.07.2016 20:41

"Das Verhältnis zwischen Russland und dem Westen? Ist so schlecht wie Ende der Siebzigerjahre, sagt Kreml-Berater Sergej Karaganow im SPIEGEL-Interview. Der Nato droht er unverhohlen. Von Christian Neef"

Dagmar Schatz

Baltenrepubliken Die Angst vor einem russischen Blitzkrieg

#3 von Dagmar Schatz ( gelöscht ) , 09.07.2016 23:33

"Estland, Lettland und Litauen befinden sich im Alarmzustand: Russland kann die Nato im Baltikum auf verschiedene Weise herausfordern. Im Ernstfall sei der Kreml zum Äußersten bereit."

Baltenrepubliken - die Angst vor einem russischen Blitzkrieg.pdf
Dagmar Schatz

Estnische Aussenministerin: Estonia needs Nato's Help against Russia

#4 von Dagmar Schatz ( gelöscht ) , 09.07.2016 23:53

Hier gepostet, weil es um ein alle drei Staaten betreffendes Problem geht:"

Marina Kaljurand is Estonia’s minister of foreign affairs.

When NATO leaders meet in Warsaw on Friday, little will have changed since the 2014 summit in Wales to offer the hope of better relations with Russia. There is no sign that Russia will honor its international obligations or acknowledge its military role in Ukraine; in fact, the opposite is true. NATO must meet this challenge with resolve, strength and presence.

Dagmar Schatz


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